Monday 12 May 2014

6 weeks and counting...

I love music, but I have never been very musical.. But just recently our house is sounding like the von trapp family!!
Hubby got me an acoustic guitar for an early anniversary present... Then I got him one...then we got bella a ukulele... And Ariana has her xylophone!!
So we are trying to learn how to play...slowly... Very slowly :-)

Also for anyone thats counting I have only 6 weeks to go until little peanut arrives :-)
The only slight inconvenience is that we have our circuit overseer visit on the week before I am you can guarantee he will arrive then :-)
At least I am not missing an assembly :-)

Ooh I had better post my photos aswell for the last few days...

Favourite - flower..sunflower
In the garden - bluebells
Mother - speaks for itself
Ready - pop

Have a good one folks,

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