Monday 16 September 2013

my dear friend

My dear friend Katie, where do I begin... I have only known you for short amount of time, but you are such an amazing person. The first time I met you I knew you were one of those people that is lovely inside and out. 
I feel as though I have known you forever, it is hard to imagine if I had never met you. You are there for me in times of hardship and when I feel low you know just what to say to cheer me up (or just a spot of karaoke). Being there for you wedding day was truly special for me and felt so thankful to be there... You were simply glowing that day.
I have had such a struggle getting on with people, that to find someone that I gel with on so many levels is wonderful.
You make me laugh with the silly things you say (I am sure you should be blonde)...and I can't get over the fact that only you can persuade a man to have his nails painted teehee!!
When I became pregnant with Ariana, I couldn't think of anyone else to be there with me other than you..and to have you there to enjoy that wonderful moment was just so lovely. The fact that you were there for me will be with me forever.
I truly feel that you are my best friend and I couldn't ask for a more wonderful, kind, loving are my star :)
I hope to be there for you as you have been there for me.
 You are always in my heart dear friend, Lots of love
Your friend, Charlotte xxx

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