Saturday 14 September 2013

feeling ranty

OK today I am feeling a bit whoever reads this today, my apologies :)

So I am wondering why everytime I read the news, or look on the internet all I see is stories about Justin beiber, Miley Cyrus, Courtney stodden et al?! Now all I want to know is why these children (and they are children) why they are constantly given column inches, for doing idiotic things?!

Less than two weeks ago Miley Cyrus caused uproar by dancing onstage at the VMA's in a manner befitting nothing more than your average pole dancer..but why did she do it? Was she seeking attention or not? Well if she was seeking attention...mission accomplished! But don't get me wrong I have nothing against her, but I just don't feel that people like this should be considered role models for our children.

My hubby told me the other that his friend was discussing many of the idiotic things done my Justin beiber in recent forgive me beliebers for saying this but I have never really thought much of him, he is a child and boy does he act like it....I mean he spat on his fans from a balcony!! How stupid could you possibly be?! What I would like to know is why is mum is letting behave in this way?! People not doing anything about it is making him think that it is OK to do I wrong?! his twitter followers go crazy if people so much as say anything wrong about him...or if a story comes out saying is dating a girl...the poor people receive death threats!! I am also pretty sure I read about a website called 'cutting for beiber' about girls who self harm to get his attention. I just can't believe the lengths people go to.

I read in the news today about a young girl tweeting one direction saying if they didn't follower her she would kill her dog, I could not believe my eyes... Is this really what has become of our kids threatening violence if they don't get what they want?!

My worry is that if this is what role models are like now, what will they be like when my girls are older? Can it get that possible? I just hope that my 3 year old doesn't get wind of it and start gyrating against any stationary objects.

That's my rant over for today :) I just had to get it off my chest.
Happier thoughts tomorrow :)

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