Tuesday 16 September 2014

little known charlotte facts

Good day everyone!!
Day 16 already yikes, I really don't want this month to end :-)
So today we are sharing things that a lot of people don't know..
Here goes....

I am a huge Marilyn Monroe fan
In school I used to love running cross country...now you wouldn't catch me running... Unless a dog was chasing me :-)
I can dislocate my shoulders
I can link sausages :-)
I have a memory for useless trivia
I own a guitar but can't play it
I once dyed my hair blue
My favourite number is 7, no idea why!
My favourite word is squiggle
I used to be known as Charlie - now I can't stand it :-)
I have never broken a bone...not even a toe :-)
I have a big teddy bear collection
I used to know all the dance routines to Andrew Lloyd Webber's cats

There you go little known Charlotte facts

Have a terrific Tuesday


  1. I have never seen CATS. Very cool you knew all the dance routines. I to retain the useless trivia. lol

  2. Hia, love the word 'squiggle' too...

  3. i also have useless trivia in my mind too! learning facts and spewing them out (when no one asks) is so satisfying!
    my favorite number is 7 too and i also have no idea why.
    and i also have never broken a bone!

    1. Haha it really is, although I get looked at funny when I just come out with a random fact lol! I also get strange looks when I say I never broke a bone...like its a weird thing or something.. Although I am truly very clumsy!!
