Wednesday 17 September 2014

video blog - part 1

Oh dear here it is my video blog.


  1. Great vlog! You came across so natural, as unlike my nervous mess haha How did i not gather that you're British? Silly me. Loving your pretty British accent!

    1. Thank you! I thought I was a bit dorky :-) ooh I am intruiged...where did you think I was from :-) p.s I will hooefull do the blog love later on

  2. i love your accent charlotte! and thatnk you so much for mentioning me in your video! you are so sweet! i'm just so glad that someone enjoys what i right! haha i hope you have a good day! my vlog will be up by the end of today...( nervous)

    1. Thank you! I just watchged your vlog... Loved it!!

  3. Loved your vlog ! I am just visiting from blog temper :) Your dream is California and mine is to get out of this heat! I love your charming accent and I think what you said about depression is not only brave but very true. Anxiety and depression need to lose their stigma! We are all emotional beings and that is beautiful.

    1. Ooh my accent is charming! Why thank you I always think I sound like as bit of a dork :-) I agree people are afraid to talk about it and then more problems cultivate from that fear. I hope by my lists and talking about it I may help others. :-)

  4. Love your accent, much better than my southern twang one.

  5. Loved your vlog! I also love Psalms, especially chapters 25, 37, 62, & 40. Also, I agree with Heather, & am glad {& think you're brave} to talk about depression - it needs talking about in this often dark world. Love to Wales & you & your family!
    P.S.: Keep singing your songs! =)

  6. Depression is an important topic and something more people than we think struggle with. Glad to be alongside you in the blogtember challenge :)

    1. I agree its one of those things that people fear to talk about. The scary thing is anyone can suffer from it, and you would never know. I just discovered your blog, so thank you :-)

  7. Hello there, Charlotte!
    I have yet to participate in the Blogtember challenge, I hope it's not too late to join. I am so glad I came across your blog. I found myself smiling while listening to you talk about your life and your blog. Just like you, I love writing letters on my blog. I find it comforting to have a place where I can share my thoughts and feelings. I'd love to read more of your posts. :) And oh, your baby's adorable!

    Vee (there's a giveaway happening on my site now!)

    1. Hey!! Oh you must join in the challenge, it is so much fun :-) aww thank you so much for your kind words. I look forward to reading your bnlog :-)

  8. Just found time to watch! Your accent made me homesick :( You are so, so, brave: I could never v-log (too scary!)....[Thank you for mentioning me - soooo sweet of you xxx]
