Saturday 6 September 2014

ed sheeran and coffee

What am I currently up to??
Now that is the key question :-)
Let's get the old list going shall we...

Listening to - Ed sheeran "thinking out loud" this song is beautiful, seriously listen to it on YouTube and tell me I am wrong :-) this man has such a gift with song writing :-)

Reading - my watchtower for tomorrow's meeting, always best to be a littlw prepared.

Eating - well just eaten..salmon fishcakes and salad! Yum!

Drinking - decaf coffee...well it is 7.30pm and not quite time to break out mummy's trusty glass of wine :-)

Cooking - corned beef hash for the other half...I don't like corned beef hash, but my other half is from Yorkshire..which apparently means he must eat it.

Thinking - am I brave enough to post a singing vlog later this month???

Pinning - home decor and hair style ideas...yea random I know :-)

Discovering - so many lovely new blogs this week :-)

Making - some new friends that think the same way I do about things.

Loving - looking through all my flower photos today, I have a thing for taking pictures of flowers.

Wondering - if I have the patience and time to learn guitar?!

Thats kind of all I can think of right now...not great is it!! Mummy brain strikes again I'm afraid.
Now for that glass of wine...

Have a super Saturday.


  1. I'm terrified of 'blog' day: have absolutely no idea what to do....
    Please, please, please, sing for us...I know, just now, it'll be so beautiful xxx
    BEAUTIFUL flower photos!
    And, wow, yes, that Ed Sheeran song is really lovely!

  2. Did you ever get to watch the video you begged me for :-)
