Saturday 20 September 2014

dearest sister

Dearest sister,

Sometimes there are things that I want to say to you, but I don't.
But today I shall write them to you.
I love you
You are my wonderfully, beautiful and unique sister.
We have quite the age gap, but who cares :-)
You are crazy as a box of frogs..but I am crazier :-)
We have sometimes had a turbulent relationship, but who doesn't right?!
You always have to out do having Kiki on my due date...still haven't forgiven you by the way :-)
I believe you are such a brave person
You have been through so much in your 22 years my sweet sister. If I could take away your pain I would have it given to me. You don't deserve the things that you have struggled through, and I tell you now have pushed through it with your head high and with a wonderful amount of grace.

I would not change you for the world
You my only sister, and I love you with all my heart and soul.
You are a beautiful, beautiful lady and I am so very, very proud of the person you are.

All my love always.

Your big sister,
Charl xxxx

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