Sunday 14 September 2014

a whole year of blogging

So it occurred to me today, I have been blogging for one whole year already!! Oh my word!
Its amazing how far my posts have come in just 12 months.
I have always enjoyed writing on a personal/diary sense. I was one of those kids who kept a diary and wrote stories for fun.
I always saw writing as an outlet for my feelings. A way for me to express my creativity.
But a main reason I started was as a way to help me through my depression.
 I have written several posts on the subject.
My first post was not terribly exciting I must say, but I started a blogtember just after my first ever post :-)
I really hope to keep going as long as I can.
I find it incredible that some have been going for years :-)

Watch this space for my next year :-)

Have a super Sunday


  1. thanks for nominating me pretty lady!

    (ps, you are a no reply blogger, meaning that I couldn't just respond to your comment via email. I don't have a tutorial on how to fix it but TONS of others do so just google it! ):)

    1. Oh dear I didn't even know!! Anyway I just fixed it, thank you for letting me know! :-)
