Tuesday 6 May 2014

slapped cheek syndrome

Today I would like to talk about something very important.
I feel that this needs more awareness.

There was a story in the news hear just recently on a woman from my area who contracted parvovirus b19 (slapped cheek syndrome) during pregnancy.
Parvovirus b19 is an airborne virus and spreads in much the same way as a cold or flu.

She was expecting twins, and during a routine scan at 17 weeks found that one of her twin girls had contracted the virus. Unfortunately, she was found to not be immune to parvovirus b19.
The baby was found to have a build up of fluid.
She was given 2 scenarios, either her baby would fight and survive or pass away.
The fluid did disperse 3 weeks later.

Unfortunately at 28 weeks her baby died.
She continued with the pregnancy hoping that her second twin would survive.
Her daughter cadi did survive and is now 6 months old.
She has launched an appeal to make people aware of the dangers of slapped cheek syndrome.
Please read her full story on Facebook - Martha aur appeal.
This needs to be brought to people attention.
As it is relatively unknown.

I would hate to see anyone else go through this.

Please share.

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