Friday 2 May 2014

may?? already!

We are officially in month 5 of 2014 eek!! So happy may everyone.
We have a serious problem in our house right now...
Bella is currently obsessed with Disney's frozen - I remember when we had this problem with tangled, I am pretty sure we watched it everyday for a good 6 months.
Don't get me wrong I love Disney as much as the next person - but even I have a limit :-)
She has watched it today for like the 20th time already...seems to know the songs aswell.

I realise I went a bit AWOL regarding my photo a day pictures, so I made a little collage of the last april ones :-)
Then I will try to keep up with may a little bit better :-)

Also I have 7 weeks left until little man arrives...I am now really scared! It doesn't help that the hospital I had both my girls at has just moved the maternity ward, so its going to be a bit strange being in a newish environment. I am quite tempted to go and have a snoop around...

With such a small amount of time left..should I share his name yet??!!

Let me know what you think :-)

Have a good weekend

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