Sunday 4 May 2014

another long weekend

Good day lovely people!
Another bank holiday is upon us it would seem...which means bella isn't in school tomorrow!
Don't get me wrong I love spending time with her but she is going through this really annoying repeat yourself - stomp your feet phase...which drives me crackers!
But I can only hope it is a phase...

Also check out my baby bump...33 weeks baby!! It has literally grown vast amounts in the last few weeks - baby boy is getting big :-) this is me all dressed and ready for this mornings meeting.

Also for some really weird reason I have been craving things this last few week...things like peanut butter, pickles, rocky road and cake!! Not together I hasten to add...that would be strange!
Anyone out there ever had any strange cravings during pregnancy?
My mother in law ate coal apparently!!

Anyway I am going to get may started off right
Below are the first 4 photo a day prompts -
Begins with j - juice
Snack - donuts
Collection - magazines
And us...which speaks for itself.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend folks

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