Tuesday 20 May 2014

hospital trip

Well yesterday was interesting... I got to spend a day and night in the hospital maternity unit.
I really don't like hospitals
And I really don't like being away from my family
But they wanted to keep me in for monitoring

Now I predominantly went in with dizziness, nausea and leg numbness.
But whilst I was there, they had med on the foetal monitor and I had some pretty gnarly contractions.
Queue panicking, and talk of transferring hospitals etc.
And here I am sitting on the bed listening to them talk amongst themselves (which is really annoying) feeling immense inner panic.
Well, they eventually decided to give me steroid injections to mature the little mans lungs in case he were to make an appearance... And let me tell you something, it may just be the worst injection I have ever had! It literally went on for 5 mins!

Contractions stopped, but then made another appearance this morning...
However, they allowed me to come home thank goodness...
I don't think I could have stayed another night, besides I am pretty sure hubby wouldn't have coped...
Let's just say he may have a new found respect for what I do :-)

However, he decided to take a nap on my hospital bed...as you do :-)

Have a good one guys

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