Tuesday 15 April 2014

sunny days

Good morning!
The sun is back woohoo! I can finally catch up with my backed up laundry.
Although not feeling great today, the littlest in the house is still not sleeping properly..so sleep is very thin on the ground...and I am feeling it now!
Also I am starting to feel really nervous now about little ones arrival...10 weeks left, am actually a little scared!

We had our memorial at the kingdom hall yesterday and it brought back memories of last year's memorial, when I ended up in labour with ariana! But little peanut decided to stay where he was...thank goodness!
The memorial is such a wonderful thing to experience, it was one of my first ever meetings I attended 8 years ago. I would encourage anyone I could to attend one, its wonderful to see so many faces old and new...being able to be a part of such a special event warms my heart.

I am needing to share my photo a days with you today as well
So in order...
Saturday - on my left
Was in the bank Saturday morning and came across this cute little piggy band :-)

Sunday - more please
More laughter, it warms the heart and wipes away sadness.

Monday - dirty
Old mossy pot at my parents home.

Tuesday - I am reading
Getting my mind prepared for my birth plan...10 weeks to go.

Have a good Tuesday everyone :-)

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