Tuesday 19 November 2013

happy moments in my life...so far :-)

This is an interesting one..because I didn't think you could have just one happy moment in life!! I could be wrong..probably am! That being said, I am greedy and have more than one!!

The first is when we got married (2/6/07) it was a beautiful day in more ways than one, unfortunately though the day just flew by...way too fast.

Next one was when I found out I was expecting our first daughter. The first scan, the first time we heard her heartbeat, the first time I felt her move! The day I had her was such a wonderful day, to bring a person into the world is just amazing <3

Then when we found out we were expecting our second daughter..I just total elation :-) I got to experience all the things I love about pregnancy again :-) 

And now.....we are expecting our 3rd (and final) baby!! I am too excited to keep to myself anymore :-) 

1 comment:

  1. Oh WOW! Congrats on baby #3! I agree that you can't pick just one moment as the happiest.
