Monday 18 November 2013

school memories.. ish

Today's prompt is to choose a favourite year of elementary school and why? - Now I have to be honest with you all I had no idea what elementary school was..however the joys of Wikipedia never ceases to amaze - it is otherwise known as primary school.

So in my blog today as I don't really have many memories of school per say..I kinda enjoyed the whole experience to be honest.
So with that in mind I am going to share some photos and snippets of primary school life.

My first memory -
My first school memory is when I first started - I recall my mum dropping me off at the gate, I walked through and just stood there in an empty playground. All I did was stare around in utter confusion.. Hoping someone would see me and take pity. Eventually, a young girl ran to me said 'my name is rhian' grabbed my hand and dragged me inside.

The funny thing about the school was that it was literally a tiny village one point the most children in the school was 27, in my last year of primary school...there were 6 in my class.

Eisteddfods -
This is a main memory of mine.
In Wales eisteddfods are a pretty big deal, they involve choirs..soloist's...Musicians..poets..drama's..etc. I discovered my love for singing thanks to this, and I am truly thankful for that..I think I did my first one aged 6. They were always so enjoyable.

Making statues -
When I was in my first few years of school, I remember helping to make some big, paper mache statue's. Funnily enough they still stand today, in fact if I get a chance I will post a picture of them :-)

To be honest though other than that I don't remember a that is all I can share for today :-)

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