Monday 9 September 2013

personality testy time :)

So today's challenge for blogtember is to take a little personality test and post my feeling on the results.
Now if I am truly honest I never really brought into this whole personality test thing...however after having done it, I must say it has me down to a T.

So I am ISFJ -
11% introvert over extrovert
12% sensing over intuition
38% feeling over thinking
67% judging over perceiving

Now I have to admit when I saw the word judging in there I panicked just a little...because I do not like to judge anyone.
But on reading it a bit more, it does show a lot about me.

So I am not going bore you by posting the whole pile of information that I instead I am going to post some little snippets that I found interesting...
They are hurt by being treated like doormats..they are often unwilling to toot their own horns..
I spent a long time in my early teen years with a lot of problems like this..where so called friends would ask me to do things and if the outcome wasn't what they liked the would turn on me and ignore me for weeks..until suddenly they would want to be my friend again and like a fool I would let them (doormat) because I have a strong feeling deep in my heart where I just want to be liked.

ISFJ's are characterised above all by their desire to serve others - 'their need to be needed'
This is so true about me it is actually scary... I spend my days doing all I can to make everyone happy, making meals, getting snacks.. Etc. For as long as I can remember I have been this way, I still don't like to do anything that would make my mum unhappy and I am 27. When my youngest was born, I kept making sure everyone around had everything they needed and kept forgetting about myself!

Their families are the centre of their lives - ISFJ's are warm and demonstrative in the family circle and often possessive of their loved ones...ISFJ's take infinite trouble of meals, gifts, celebrations etc for their loved ones.
This again is completely accurate of my personality, I am one of those truly irritating people that spends an awfully long time pondering over what gifts to get a close friend for an anniversary.. Where my husband couldn't care less :) so I have to hide my disdain :) when we have a dinner party with friends I spend all day preparing and sorting things make everyone happy :)

ISFJ's have a few, close friends - they are extremely loyal to these, and are ready to provide emotional and practical support at a moments notice (however they hate confrontation, so don't expect them to jump in..however the will run off to get the nearest authority figure!)
This is very true of me, I have a few close friends and I truly value those friendships greatly. My friends know that if they ever need me for anything I will be there. I do my level best to avoid doing anything to avoid upsetting anyone.

So yea that is just a snippet of my personality.. Still can't believe how accurate it was!!! Anymore ISFJ's out there?!

This is me signing off...

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