Monday 9 September 2013

Ariana iris

Today I have decided to post about my youngest daughter..she is the light of my life (along with her sister bella).
Since we brought her home from the hospital on march 28th she has been a constant joy..her smile lights up a room <3
Even after we had a huge scare when she turned out to have a heart murmur (which has thankfully cleared up now) at the time it was really scary.
She always looks happy to see you when you get her in the morning or after a nap :) to see such a happy child makes my heart so happy
We have just started the weaning process - which albeit messy and occasionally going really well (although i am pretty sure I may have spoken too soon)
She loves her sister and her sister loves her :) but I fear when she starts crawling and gets into Bella's toys it may be a bit different :)
I know I am gushing just a little but I cannot help it she is just adorable (until she becomes a toddler then a teen!)

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