Friday 6 September 2013

My story - baby after miscarriage

It has taken me all day to build up the courage to write on today's subject on blogtember, mainly because it is one of those subjects I don't really talk here goes... (deep breath)

In 2008, my husband and I decided it was time to expand our family and so we began trying for a it took along time for anything to happen for us and I had resided myself to the fact that maybe it wouldn't happen.
Some time passed and in 2009 I missed a cycle..but I didn't want to get excited so I waited a bit just in case it was a coincidence.. It was toward the end of July that everything changed, I wasn't feeling well for a week before it even occurred to me what was happening and my world kind of collapsed around me.
I got home from a 9 hour shift and I decided to go to bed as I felt awful...I woke up 7am the following morning and dragged myself out of bed, next thing I know my husband has come to get me from the hallway as he said I was screaming (I don't remember this), the next moments moved by far too fast... Because the next thing I remember is being taken away in an ambulance.
Things at the hospital were a huge blur for me...I remember arriving and being in this tiny room alone waiting to see a doctor, I was so completely terrified of what was happening..the feeling of complete helplessness and anxiety was overwhelming.
My husband left me alone for a while and during which time I lost our baby. I don't think I have ever been so heart broken.
The days and weeks following all seemed to blur into nothing, I stayed at home and blamed myself...
Maybe if I went in sooner I could have prevented what happened.. If I had followed my gut instinct in the first place then maybe things would have been better.

Fast forward a few months and we were heading away on holiday, and I hadn't been feeling great, but pushed it aside again.
A week or so later I decided to take a test...which turned out positive. Now don't get me wrong I was so unbelievably excited, but I was also truly afraid what if I lose the baby again?! On top of that I am on strong medication for epilepsy which can also cause major problems.. So I was closely monitored and had extra scans and check ups through out...even when I passed the 12 week mark I got scared at every twinge.
But thankfully our beautiful daughter arrived safely one week early on 10/08/10 weighing 5lb 10oz.
Since then we have had another daughter who is now 5 months old.

So even after bad things, good things do happen :)


  1. they really do, Dear!
    That is such a touching story of yours. I'm sorry that this happened to you, but I'm so happy that now you have to beautiful child!
    And don't blame yourself for anything. These things happen to lots of people, and none of us are protected from that. This is life - cruel, but also beautiful! And now you shall enjoy the beauty of your every day! :)

  2. Thank you so much for your kind words :) I feel really blessed to have 2 beautiful babies :)
