Wednesday 3 September 2014

when I grow up...

"When I grow up I wanna be famous, I wanna be a star, I wanna be in movies..."
Yea...maybe not.

Song lyrics aside, I find this topic interesting
As kids we all have such wonderful ideas about what we want to be when we are Grown ups,
I think I wanted to be a nurse (as do most little girls I am sure) but my emitophobia put the kaibosh on that idea.
Then I wanted to be a vet after reading the animal ark series, but after finding out how long it takes to qualify my mind mysteriously changed.
Come my teen years I dreamed of being a west end performer...I even did a college course in performing arts.

But do you know what, I can almost qualify as a grown up...well in body maybe!
I think I can safely say that I am where I want to be, being a housewife and mama - just checkout my throwback photos

I am clearly practising my ironing skills - of which I never use :-)
But if my hubby sees this he might think I can! :-)
And we don't want to give him those kind of ideas now do we.

But in all seriousness, where I want to be is happy in my own skin, be able to not take things personally, be less sensitive and to get a grasp on my depression and be able to chuck it away from me.
To be able to say I am a great person, I am who I am.
To be able to love me.

What about you?

Have a wicked Wednesday

1 comment:

  1. I think so many of us suffer from depression. I was on prozac for years but have decided to take myself off. I did this when I found out I was pregnant back in June (resulted in MC) I have not taken it again. Growing up I wanted to be a lawyer. Now I am a stay at home mommy. Total opposite from where I had seen myself.
