Thursday 28 August 2014

boy what a weekend!!

So we went away for the weekend to Cardiff as it was our annual Jehovah's witness 3 day assembly.
But I tell you something I have never been away and had it be marred with so many things!!

Take Wednesday for instance, hubby came back from work hobbling...ended up going to A+E with a possible fractured leg!! Thankfully though it wasn't broken...just crutch requirements!
Although before he went to hospital the car wouldn't start...
The thing about the assembly is that you can guarantee that Satan will test your faith and love for Jehovah, and I wasn't about to let him beat me!
We traveled down to our hotel on Thursday lunchtime, got there at a reasonable hour and went out for dinner.
Put the kids to 10pm Ariana started being sick...then bella at for those who don't know I have a huge fear of sick...the thought...the I started panicking and I abandoned matt and took James to the lobby. I came back to the room at 6am. Ariana was ok. Bella was not.
Unfortunately hubby and I exchanged a few tense words...
I went to the bathroom and collapsed.
So I ended up taking a trip to hospital!
At this point a lesser person may have given up and gone back home..
But I will not be beaten.

Come Saturday everything seemed to be getting better, and we managed to last the whole day at the assembly... Even though James wasn't feeling himself.
Sunday was even better, and it was the most wonderful, emotional day!
Another thing about the assembly is it is really up building and you leave feeling so good.

After the weekend got better and we got back home hubby got sick and James did too.
But I am remaining positive :-)

Hope your weekend was better :-)

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