Saturday 31 May 2014

week 36...nearly there

Now you will have to excuse me for moaning...
But oh my word, the pain this last week has been utterly unbearable.
These last few weeks of pregnancy are the worst ones...mainly due to the baby moving down.
So you get aching back, painful legs, aching pelvis, braxton hicks etc..
I enjoy being pregnant, but all these pains I have had are new to me...I know its my 3rd baby!
I am starting to think that our little man may be making an early appearance... Trust me I would not mind.
I have all the stuff I need..I hope!
I only have 3 weeks to go...hoping it will be less :-)  but who knows babies come when they want to don't they!
I just hope that I stop feeling so ill soon, because I pride myself on being the only one in our house that doesn't really get poorly. So for me its torture..although I still have my mummy duties to attend to irrespective :-)
Were I male I would be lying on the sofa moaning and groaning that I was dying haha!!!
And on that note I bid you adieu :-)

Enjoy the rest of your weekends

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