Sunday 6 April 2014

symptoms are in the air

Happy weekend people :-)
Today the nesting instinct has hit me like a pile of bricks ...and am not an overly clean person!
Don't get me wrong I like a tidy home, but I am not about to go nuts :-)  I am more of a stick everything in boxes and drawers kinda girl :-)
However this unfortunate pregnancy 'symptom' is throwing me for a loop...I feel a sudden urge to scrub things and polish surfaces...eek!! Scary!!
But I can't guarantee that I will let the urge win :-)

Also we had 2 lovely prompts for the last 2 days on photo a day -

Saturday was - not mine...

These rings are special, the middle one was my dad's ring and the one next to it was my nans (dads mum).

Today's prompt is - a taste of spring -

Thats all for today folks...have a good one :-)

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