Monday 24 March 2014

weekend away :-)

Soo its been a while!!
I realise I have been a bit...missing lately! But its not my fault I promise!! My silly tablet is still being fixed, and writing a blog post on my mobile is really, really irritating!

So with that, I am going to actually post something today....

Now I mentioned a few weeks back that we were having a weekend away...and lo and behold we did it!!
I have to say though, lugging the kids and all the gubbins that we need in the difficult to say the least.
But it can be done. Its going to be even more stuff when the little man arrives.
However we managed to leave the house before 6 am Friday morning...granted I didn't sleep well...thanks to a foot in my ribs!
I did some driving...up until we stopped for breakfast...
Then hubby was good enough to take over...thank goodness!
Thanks to him we made it to the zoo half an hour early!!

Bella loved the zoo!
We took her when she was Ariana's age, so it was nice to take her again...when she could identify most of the animals.
You should have seen her face when she clocked the lions...I regret not getting a photo of it now..she was like 'oh my word mummy look..lions!!'
Its also really nice for her to see all the amazing animals that Jehovah has made.

After the zoo, we started to stress. We had a hotel booked, but how to find it!
We found it ok, but when we arrived...we realised that it was at the same service station we always stop at on long journeys to Leeds... Irony?! I think so!!

Ironically bella behaved for her treat day

Can't say the same for when we went shopping!!
She was a bum :-)
However, she got her ears pierced like a big girl on Saturday.

When my tablet is back and running I will post my photos from the weekend, til then (unless you check out my instagram pages...@charlotteann_2 or @charlcornes_photographs) won't see them!

Until then bloggers, I leave you with this thought...
Is it really wise to get kids up at 5am to go to the zoo?!

Happy Monday :-)

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