Saturday 29 March 2014

labour bag...essentials

I like to think of myself as pretty organised... Or at least I try to be.
So today I decided it was time to start thinking about packing my labour bag.
Its hard to believe that I have forgotten what I need, it was only a year ago that I was in hospital having Ariana... And yet everything has fallen out my brain :-)
So with that being said, I decided just out of curiosity to Google it and see what certain websites suggested.
I have to say the suggestions for what to pack for hubby made me giggle!! I didn't get anything for him...Oops. He just shoved his own things in a bag when my waters went lol!
But then it suggests things like puzzles and magazines for during labour...all I could think about during labour was usding my gas and air..magazines just seemed a bit pointless to least until after labour!
I can understand them if you have a long, slow moving labour...which I did not :-)
Another thing I came across was make up. I have no problems with make up per say, but it was the last thing on my mind after labour. It baffles me how anyone would be thinking about make up..when you have a bundle of baby to take care of (am not judging)
So that is one thing I won't be packing :-)
But I think I have remembered everything I need, I have plenty of sleepsuits for our little boy ( as long as they are not wrong )
Am just not used to all the blue :-)

Packing the bag is a little scary, it makes the impending day ominously closer eek!!
Can't wait can't wait can't wait
Roll on June :-) 12 weeks and counting

 Have a good Saturday

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