Sunday 3 November 2013

a life's lesson....

So after many days of trawling the internet for a November blog challenge, I finally found one thanks to:
And so today we have to write about the best lesson that life has taught us.
Now this I a little tricky, because I wouldn't say that many lessons I have come across in my 27 years are really 'the best'.. but here goes.
Now as I write this I have to admit that recalling my secondary school days..for me is a challenge in itself.
But I have come to realise over a long period of time that, no matter how well you treat people, how much you try and fit in...even with so-called friends they will always try and tare you down and make you feel badly about yourself. I have spent a long time being a very guarded person, I worry about letting people get close to me for fear of them eventually disliking me for whatever reason they feel is reasonable.. And for fear of being hurt I suppose.
But my point is matter how hard you try you cannot have everyone like you, there will always be someone out there that will want to hurt you in someway, but we want to make sure that they do not see how hurt we not let people see that they are getting to you because this fuels there fire and spurs them on...bullies should never win... Life lesson :)

Have a good one :)


  1. Thanks so much for sharing your life lessons and for the support on the Blogember challenge! Thanks for linking up...I appreciate it! :)

    Happy Tuesday to you!

  2. Hey no worries :-) sorry it took so long to reply :-)
    I hope you do another challenge :-)
