Sunday 20 October 2013

just a little note to say....

So just a quick recap of what is currently going on in our lives...ish.

I have to admit as far as weeks go this is has been pretty more ways than one.
Although I will not be sharing ever detail of our tumultuous week...

Also this week my poor little girl has just started to have nightmares...I was absolutely terrified for her, I don't like to see her in such a scared state...honestly it is awful.
We don't know what has caused them, but I am hoping they don't last too long for her sake.
The best I could get out if her was that her pillow was a monster and it jumped at her!! So now we are going to just monitor what she watches and reads..especially with Halloween around the corner :(

This week my husband decided to buy me a new lenses for my camera..which is up to 300mm zoom :) I am so excited to take some shots with watch this space!

This one is a little bit of a small, pointless piece of info but I realised this week I have a love of camomile tea.. Never had it before!!

On a lighter note our kitten (hunter) may be the craziest pet I have ever owned!! And I mean boy is he loony...he climbed in the washer a few days ago and just stared at me..gave me quite a fright!!

Anyway, I have been running a few ideas through my head lately for writing ideas so watch this space.

To end my blog today I would like to share my favourite scripture with it was one of the first ones I ever learned and it gives me comfort and hope.

-'With that i heard a loud voice from the throne say: "look! the tent of god is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And god himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning, nor outcry, nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." Revelation 21:3,4-

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