Tuesday 24 September 2013

So today is - review a book, place or product....now I haven't really been anywhere, and I haven't got any new products lately....so book it is :)
Now I have read a fair few books in my time - being a bit of a book worm...so I may be really greedy and share a 2, if nobody minds :)

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte -
now this book is by far on of my favourites, I first read this when I was 11...when everyone else in my year was more interested in Pokémon and trading cards. I could read this book on a daily basis. I think it is one of those books everyone should read... Some people prefer Jane Austen novels but me I am crazy for Bronte!! There are so many moments in the book where I was in tears, it touched me in so many emotional ways it is unreal. The many ways that Jane suffered is enough to make anyone want to give up but she never did I think she is a great example of an early feminist.

The help by Kathryn stockett -
There was a lot of hype about this book so I decided to purchase it and see what the fuss was about. I couldn't put it down, from the moment I started chapter one I was completely hooked. The funny thing is when I started reading all I could hear was the wonderful southern accent in my head (no I am not crazy). The women in the book draw you in, you feel what they feel you laugh when they laugh, you cry when they do. What gets me the most is that all of it is based on factual events and that these women were treated in such an awful way...it makes it all the more heart rending and saddening. But that being said I loved it :)
I am so glad that books exist :)
Happy days


  1. The help is currently sitting on my pile of 'to read' books! (: I'm glad you loved it! i haven't seen the movie yet either so it should help make me enjoy the book even more.

  2. The Help is so good and the movie is even better!
